
If your toolset or framework is not listed below, it may still work with some additional configuration.

Name Support Status(as at latest NCrunch version) Notes
JetBrains Rider (Windows Only) yes Only the latest release of Rider is supported at the time of each NCrunch release
Visual Studio 2010-2022 yes
Visual Studio Express/Community(2015+) yes
Visual Studio Express(2008-2013) no Older versions of Visual Studio Express do not support 3rd party VS packages such as NCrunch.
Visual Studio for Mac (All versions) no
VSCode no
Operating Systems
Windows Vista yes
Windows 7 yes
Windows 8.1 yes
Windows 10 yes
Windows 11 yes
Windows ARM no
MacOS/OSX no
Linux no
Core Frameworks
.NET Framework v1.1 no No planned support
.NET Framework v2.0-v4.8.1 yes
.NET v5 - v8 yes
.NET Standard yes Can be tested from .NET Core test projects
.NET Core / .NET Standard yes VS2017 or above required.
DNX/.xproj/project.json no Microsoft have deprecated this framework and NCrunch does not support it. Please upgrade to .NET Core under VS2017+ instead.
Windows Universal Apps no No planned support
Windows Store Apps partial Sandboxing support withdrawn with the release of VS2015 and Windows 10 (details)
Windows Phone Apps partial Projects will build, but the Windows Phone environment is not emulated by NCrunch, so tests requiring emulation will fail to run.
Silverlight(all versions) partial Projects will build, but SL based test environments are not supported. Code can be tested via project references from non-SL test projects
Azure Projects yes Supported from NCrunch v4.7 upwards
Xamarin yes Support introduced for newer Xamarin project types under VS2022.
C# yes
VB.NET yes
F# yes
C++(CLR and Native) no Many projects will build, but code coverage and C++ based testing frameworks are not supported.
Javascript no JS and JS-based testing frameworks are not supported by NCrunch.
Testing Frameworks
NUnit yes
MS Test yes
Xunit yes Full support for Xunit v2. Xunit v1 will work only up until VS2022 and is not supported on Rider.
MSpec yes
MbUnit partial Supported up until VS2022. Not supported on JetBrains Rider.
SpecFlow yes Supported through MSTest/NUnit/xUnit integration (SpecRun not supported)
Reqnroll yes Support introduced in NCrunch v5.7
Mocking Frameworks
Non-profiler based frameworks(i.e. Moq, RhinoMocks, NSubstitute, etc) yes
TypeMock Isolator yes Early versions of Isolator 7 have reported issues with NCrunch. Ensure you use the latest version
Telerik JustMock yes
Microsoft Fakes yes Supported from NCrunch V2 onwards

Due to the abstractions inherent in its integration, NCrunch supports many frameworks and tools. For brevity, many of these have not been listed. Some frameworks and configurations may require additional NCrunch configuration in order to work as expected. For more information, please refer to the product documentation.

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